Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Times Square

We knew America was not immune after 9/11

It was then that we joined the rest of the world’s nations in dealing with the fringe political elements of arrogance, anarchy, ambivalence and dispassion.

The New York Times Square crude car bomb is just another reminder that there are people in the world who don’t care for life. They only care for the agenda of a perceived religious or political dogma. It is a shame they cannot see the difference between life and living.

Life is the gift from the All That Is. Living is what we choose to do with that life.

Some choose the greatness of literature, music, art and unconditional love, which is the greatest of all choices. Fine literature, great music and inspirational art moves us into a realm of appreciation and self-resonance which is the criterion of creation.

Killing, terrorism, fanaticism and dispassionate awareness for the welfare of the “other,” are the antithesis of what we spiritually are.

If we accept that a loving deity created all of us, then it follows that each and every soul on earth, despite their individual choices, beliefs or non-beliefs is part and parcel of that Deity.

In trying to understand why some souls, all of whom are part of the holy whole, would choose mayhem and murder rather than the emulation of the Supreme Love that they truly are is a hard cognitive stretch.

There is only one word that works for me in understanding this struggle.


What if this whole theatre of life is a script from before and beyond that we designed to teach ourselves that love is just that! UNCONDITIONAL.

Damn, that’s hard to accept.

P.S. I still what to put their butts in jail. It's easier to love them there, than when they are hiding in the shadows of American freedom.

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