What do you see in the face of a child?
I offer a singular consideration.
O’ Innocence be thou forever vigilant and
embrace my heart with the full joyful empathy of life.
Let no one strike thankful and beautiful
thoughts from my mind as I age and grow and increase in seeing the wonder of
the universe.
Let me gaze upon the world each day with a child's mind and accept the disappointments of life as spiritual growth and karmic
experience. Disappointments are the seeds of wisdom and when planted in the
furrowed thoughts of action they will sprout into forests of good works and
flowers of needed compassion.
I know that within the experience and
illusion of time there is the evidence of grace, the joy of expectation and the
acceptance of truth in every smile, in every sigh and in every tear.
Let all us children acknowledge the
Source, the All That Is that gazes with love at our beginnings and endings
for both are the unconditional gifts of the Divine.